Seniors Results 2016 Jan -May
Ger O'Flaherty ........... 27 pts.
Capt. Sean Fallon.........26 pts. (Back 6)
John O'Reilly. ...............26 pts.
Joe Fitzpatrick ..............,,,23pts.
4-2-2016 Singles
J O Reilly ......... 30pts
P Duffy ........... 28pts
K Kennedy .......... 27pts (16 b 6)
Results Scrambles Mon 15th Feb
o'loughlin,foley and holland...47-9 and 2 fifths =37 and 2fifths
feely ,dempsey and o'flaherty.45-6 and 4fifths=38 and 1fifth
conlon,andy,peadar and fallon.45-6a nd 3sevenths=38 and 4sevenths.
e.doyle,coffey and shaw...52-12 and 2fifths=39 and 3fifths
slattery,delaney and o'mahony.48-8 and 1fifth=39 and 4fifths
hyland ,hooks and o'reilly 50-9 and 2fifths=40 and 3fifths
o'neill,bergin and stapleton49-7 and 2fifths=41 and 3fifths
fitzpatrick,clarke and o,connell..51-8 and 4fifths=42 and 1fifth.
Result Master Card :
First ............... P O Mahony 38pts
Second .............. S Fallon 37pts (b 6)
Third ............... M Feely 37pts
Winners Singles 8th Feb
S Fallon ...... 30pts
P Duffy ...... 29pts
P O Mahony .... 28pts (b 6)
M. Guinan......31pts
Monday 22-2-2016
Sweetman,Fowler and O'Mahoney 40 and 3fifths
Dempsey,O'Flaherty and McCormack...40 and 3 fifths
Bergin,Fallon and White........................41
Results for 25/2/ 16
1 John McCormack 31 {back 6]
2 Paddy Bates 31
3 Andy Dunne 30
4 Pat Byron 29
Winners Thursday[10th March];1. Bergin,Kennedy,Guinan and Dunphy.73-4=69pts.
2nd...Dempsey,O'Mahony and O'Flaherty66pts
3rd..Holland,Hennessy and Halley.....65pts[b.6]
Monday 13th March
A brilliant day of sunshine and golf at Portlaoise.Great value too ,thanks to Oliver Egan for booking and 'doing the deal'.
Brennan,Fitzpatrick and McEvoy......................71-12.6=58.4
Coffey,Hyland and O'Mahoney..........................71-11.8=59.2
Slattery,Stapleton and Hooks...........................72-12.4=59.6 [b.9]
McCormack,O'Reilly and O'Loughlin..................72-12.4=59.6
Rodgers,Daly and O'Neill.................................72-12.4=59.6
Fallon,Byron,Duffy and McCarthy.....................69-9=6
Dunne,Conlon and Dunphy...............................76-15=61
Mohan,Feely and Mulhall..................................73-10.8=62.2
O'Connell,Guinan and Holland..........................73-10.4=62.6
Hennessy,Kelly and Dempsey.........................76-12=64
Monagher,Sweetman and Bergin......................77-12.6=64.4
Monday 21st March
Matt,/O'Loughlin/Fallon..................69 pts
B. Guinan/Mulhall/Luttrell.................67
Scramble,Thursday 31st march.1stCoffey,Tinkler,Slattery.....44 and 2fifths
2nd Byron,Duffy,O'Mahony,Dunphy..44 and3sevenths
3rd. Sweetman,Guinan.M,Guinan.B...45 and 3 fifths.
League 4th April
Team BCD...Bates22, Bergin30 Byron25 Daly22............99
Team D.........Day27 Dempsey27 ,Duffy27 Dunne.A,23....104
Team E-F...Fallon26 Feely25 Fitzpatrick27 Fowler25....103
Team H....Halley24 Hyland25 Kennedy25 McEVOY25.....100
Team M...McCarthy24 O'Connell28 Conlon.D.26. Noonan24....102
Team ORS..O'Flaherty31 O'Loughlin29 O'Mahony25 O'Neill24...109
Team P-W..Purcell22 Slattery27 Sweetman24 White23............96
Individual 1st Gerry O'Flaherty 31
2nd.Jim Bergin.......30
3rd.Ml O'Loughlin.....29
Thurs 7th April
Byron,Kelly ,White......................42 and 4 fifths...1st
Halley,O'Loughlin,O'Neill..............44 and one fifth...2 nd
Slattery,Tinkler,Clarke,Bergin........44 and 3 sevenths 3rd.
O'Reilly,B.Guinan,Hooks...............44 and 4 fifths
Coffey,O'Mahony,Deverell............47 and one fifth
League 11th April
A good turnout [41] today,some good scores,but quite a few disappointing ones too especially from old reliables.Ground conditions were heavy and this may have been a factor.
Team 1 had 95 points[byron 30,bergin 23,clarke 23 and coffey 19]
Team 2 had 97 points[feely 25,fitzpatrick 25,guinan 24 and fallon 23]
Team 3 had 100 points[dempsey 27,a.dunne 26 e.doyle 24 and duffy 23]
Team 4 had 90 points [holland 27,hennessy 22,hyland 21 and mcevoy 20]
Team 5 had 101 points[o'connell 30, mulhall 26,d.conlon 24 and luttrell 21]
Team 6 had 98 points[o'loughlin 28,o'mahony 24,o'reilly 23 and o'neill 23]
Team 7 had 82 points[sweetman 25,slattery 23,purcell 17 and white 17]
Participation today was fairly evenly spread.There were no new players [subs] this week,with each team having at least five players out.
Individual Winners today;...
.1st Matt O'Connell...30 points
.........................................2nd.Pat Byron..........30 points
.........................................3rd Ml. O'Loughlin........28 points.
To-days results....Thursday 14-4-16
PJ Conlon }......... 43.6 strokes
A Dunne }
J Holland }
C Hannon }........ 44.6 strokes
PJ Delaney }
J O Reilly }
M O Loughlin }...... 44.8 strokes ( 26 b 6)
J Halley }
JJ McEvoy }
P Duffy }...... 44.8 strokes (27 b 6)
M Guinan }
CastleBarna Mon 18-4-2016
Egan,Fitzpatrick and O'Flaherty.......................55 and 4 fifths
Fowler,Sweetman and Hannon.........................62 and 4 fifths
O'Neill,Daly and Mohan................................. 63 and 3 fifths
O'Mahony,Slattery and Day..............................64
Final Spring League 25-4-2016
We had 45 out today,a brilliant turnout and a lovely day.This was the third and final day of the League and the scores were closer than many predicted.Team 6.added 101 points[o'flaherty,27,o'loughlin 28,o'mahony,23 and morton 23 to total 308pts
Team 2.added 107 points[fallon 30,m.guinan 26,doris 26 and feely 25] total..........307pts
Team 5 added 95 points[o'connell 27,kitson 23, luttrell 23 and noonan 22] total.........298 pts.
Team 3 had a total score of 287pts
Team 4...............................280
Team 1...............................279....
Team 7...............................254...
The individual winners today were,Fallon,[30],O'Loughlin [28] and O'Connell [27].
Player of the League was O'Loughlin[29,28,28] .
Champagne Scramble 28-4-16
Results :
1st......... J O Reilly >>>>>>>>> 61pts
2nd...........K Foley >>>>>>>>>>> 57pts
Clarke,Tinkler and James Kelly .........67-10.6=56.4Slattery,O'Mahony,Sweetman..............68-9=59
O'Neill.Day and Hyland......................72-11.6=60.4
Results Athy 15-5-2016
Coffey 28,Hennessy 27 and Halley19 had 71-14.8...............................56.2JasKelly 19,Clarke16 and Tinkler 18 had..70-10.6...............................59.4
Noonan 25,Hooks 27 and Mulhall 13 had 73-13...................................60
Mohan,20,O'Loughlin 21 and Bergin 18 had 72-11.8............................60.2
B.Guinan,25,McCarthy,23 and M.Guinan,20 had 74-13.6....................60.2
Monday 24-5-16
FWhite,E Doyle.........................................................26
Monday 30th May; Results 1. Kelly, Shaw McEvoy.....41.4
2. Dunne Dunphy Conlon....42.2
3. Day Coughlan McManus...43
4. Martin Conlon Noonan...43.2
5. Dempsey Purcell Byron..43.4