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Michael Culliton Cup Sat/ Sun 22nd/23rd August 2020

Portarlington Golf Club
Michael Culliton Cup
Saturday / Sunday 22nd /23rd August 2020
Sponsor: Portlaoise Windows 
(John & Conor McCusker)
1st Gary O’Keeffe (14) 67 
2nd Ger Reid (13) 69 (bb9)
Gross: Dylan Dunne (3) 75
3rd Kieran Leavy (23) 69 
Junior: Rioghan Murphy (15) 74
Congrats To Gary O’Keeffe On his Hole In One On The 17th.
CSS: Saturday 22nd August: 74, CSS: Sunday 23rd August: 72
Ladies Results:-  
1st Marian Kennedy (17) 35 pts
2nd Carmel Fitzpatrick (19) 34 pts  
Ladies CSS = 74 
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