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Men’s Winter League Rules 2018/19

Winter League Rules 2018/19

1. The League will consist of 10 teams with the number of players depending on entries.
2. The Best 4 Scores will count towards the Team’s total each week.
3. The Qualifying weeks will commence with Week 1 on Saturday 1st Dec – Mon 3rd Dec 2018.
For every week after Monday 3rd December members can enter Thursday – Sunday.
4. The Team Captain is the First Name on the Team’s Sheet.
5. The dates and format of the Finals to be arranged and will be played in Feb 2019.
6. The Entry Fee is €10 for the Winter League must be paid in advance in the shop with a €5 entry for the weekly competition.
7. The Categories for the weekly competition are as follows: Handicap (0-11) – (12-18) –(19+).
8. Only one round per week is allowed and this covers winter league and weekly competition.
(Members not playing in Winter League may play in the weekly competition. Entry Fee €5)
9. There will be an overall individual 1st prize for the best 5 cards returned over the qualifying weeks (Winter League players only).
10. Each team will play against one another on a league basis. Two Points will be awarded for a win , 1 point will be awarded for a draw, 0 points for a loss.

Week 1 Team A vs Team B (Best Four scores to count for each team)
Team A 72 Pts vs Team B 69 Pts
Therefore team A Receives 2 points in the League Table with Team B receiving 0 points
Week 2 Team A vs Team C …. Etc.

League Tables will be updated weekly.

Results can be seen on our Website and on Social Media Platforms.

Winter League fixtures 2018/19
A v J I v A A v H G v A A v F E v A A v D C v A A v B
B v I H v B B v G F v B B v E D v B B v C J v B I v C
C v H G v C C v F E v C C v D J v C I v E D v I H v D
D v G F v D D v E J v D I v G F v I H v F E v H G v E
E v F J v E I v J H v I H v J G v H G v J F v G F v J
1. Weather permitting the Winter League will be a 12 Hole Competition.
2. Whenever necessitated by weather conditions, temporary tees and greens will be in play.
3.Two (2) putt rules applies on temporary greens, but must be declared to your marker in advance.
4. The Competition Secretary may alter and set the course including lesser number of holes on any competition dates. The staff in the Shop will be informed of these changes.
Please put your Team Number or Letter on you Score Card.
Failing any of the above, your card will be disqualified.
Copies of these rules are displayed in the Golf Shop.

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