A message from the Captains 2024
Ronnie and Anne Marie your Club Captains for 2024 extend a sincere and warm welcome for the forthcoming golfing year. We are both honoured to be your Captains and we will do our best to make a positive impact, as well as listen to you and promote the interests of our Golf Club. We will also do our very best to make your golfing year a successful and enjoyable one.
We hope you will enjoy our calendar of events and continue to support our excellent facilities available in the clubhouse and we hope for your continued support at all fixtures and social gatherings.
We wish all our Team managers and Teams every success in representing our club throughout the year and encourage members to support them both at home and away.
We ask for the co-operation of all members in observing dress code, rules and etiquette as adopted by the club.
We express our gratitude to all our sponsors (Old and New) for their very generous sponsorship which is vital for the continued success of the club. To our members we ask that you support sponsors for their generosity and loyalty to our club.
We extend our gratitude to our Course and Office staff , to our Franchisee and staff and our Golf shop staff.
To all our officers on the Council Men’s and ladies committee and Trustees, we look forward toworking with you all to make this a very successful year for the Club.
Finally, we would like to wish you all good health and a very enjoyable golfing year in 2024
Yours in Golf
]Ronnie Culliton & Anne Marie Colgan