History of Portarlington Golfclub 1908-1987


Mrs. B. Higgins, Lady Captain 1987
A nine hole beginners' competition on Lady Captain's Day 1980 was my first attempt to play this fascinating game of golf. Three of us putted together on the green, hoping to hit the flagpole, and when we were told to remove it we thought it most unfair!
A couple of years later, having learned a few rules, I hit my first "Birdie" on the 8th. -I played my second shot, a rare good one, and watched in horror as it fell on and killed a thrush.
Playing golf has chan'ged my life. Previously, going for a walk or taking any kind of exercise used to sap my energy and I never dreamed the day would come when I would relish scurrying round the Course with a friend or two in any kind of weather.
As Lady Captain this year I've had the opportunity to meet and chat with ladies from numerous other clubs and I am convinced that the Portarlington ladies are privileged to have such a golfing facility as exists at Garryhinch. I have been most fortunate to work with the best ladies committee ever and the most courteous and gentlemanly male officers.
I am grateful to the club for the happy times we've had and the many friends my family and I have made.
The wonderful camaraderie on the Course and in the Clubhouse is one
of the great pleasures in our lives.

MRS. BRIDIE HIGGINS: Lady Captain in 1987, she was hon.secretary in 1984. A native of Geashill, County Offaly, she is a national school teacher, and she resides at Garryhinch.

1908-1987 History Index
1908-1987 Picture Gallery