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Additional March Annual Subscription Draw for €250

Dear Members

As previously advised, an additional draw for €250 will be held for all Full Members who have paid their Annual Subscription for 2018, including Levies, prior to 18 March 2018 – the day of the Joint Captains’ Drive-In.

Hence, this is the third draw of €250 for Members that have paid their Annual Subscription prior to 31 December 2017; the second draw for Members that have paid prior to 31 January 2018 and a new draw for Members that pay between 31 January and 18 March 2018.

Many thanks to all our Members who have paid their Annual Subscription to date and we urge Members that have yet to pay, to do so as soon as possible.

Timely payment of Annual Subscriptions is most appreciated, as it provides valuable cash flow to the Club and greatly assist the management of Club Finances and the establishment of Budgets and Estimates for 2018.

Members should be aware of Items 14.1 and 14.4 of our Club Constitution, namely:

Item 14.1: An annual subscription shall be payable by each member (other than Honorary Member, an Honorary Life Member and a Life Member) to the Club and shall become due on 1st January of each year. Each member shall be liable for the appropriate Golfing Union fee and levy, if any.

Item 14.4: On or after 1st March of each year, any member whose subscription for the current year remains unpaid, and unless arrangements to pay have been put in place with the Council, shall be ineligible to play in any Club competitions. Any member whose subscription is in arrears by the 31st March shall cease to be a member of the Club.

Members that sign up to pay their Annual Subscription in instalments throughout 2018, through Premium Credit, are fully paid-up Club Members once the account transaction has been accepted by Premium Credit.

Consequently, all Premium Credit account holders established by 18 March are automatically included in the €250 draw.

A Member may also opt to pay his/her Annual Subscription by part cash and part credit – a payment of any portion of the 2018 Subscription initially and the balance through Premium Credit instalments.

Information on payment of Annual Subscription through Premium Credit

In case some Members may not be aware of the full details, a credit facility exists for payment of Annual Subscriptions at Portarlington Golf Club, called Premium Credit.

Members who have availed of this facility in the past and who wish to do so again in 2018, just need to contact Maura in the office, either by phone or e-mail. The e-mail address is

Office hours are 10.30 to 14.30.

For Members who wish to avail of this facility for the first time in 2018, please visit Maura in the office to set up the account. You will need to have the following to hand:

  • Bank account details from which credit transfers will be made (IBAN – bank account identification number; and BIC – bank identification code)
  • Proof of address (utility bill, dated within the last 3 months; such as, electricity or phone bill)
  • Proof of ID (such as, passport or driving licence)

Instalments will be payable over 10 months. The charge for the Premium Credit facility is 4.5%, which is a very attractive and competitive rate. Once an account transaction has been accepted by Premium Credit, the Member is then fully paid up for 2018 and a receipt will be issued to that effect by the Club.

A Member may also avail of the facility by paying his/her 2018 Annual Subscription by part cash and part credit – a payment of part of the 2018 Sub initially and the balance through Premium Credit instalments.

Any queries, please contact Maura in the office, or any of the Club officers.

Best Regards

Portarlington Golf Club


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