Ladies 9 hole stableford competition commences on Tuesday April 4th
Ladies 9 hole stableford competition commences on Tuesday April 4th
A nine holes qualifying competition for lady members is being introduced in 2017 in response to the changing needs of the game and our members. Some of our members are unable to compete in the 18 holes competition due to time constraints and other reasons.
The Rules of the competition are set out below on a Q&A basis (Questions and Answers).
Who can play in the competition?
The competition is open to all members holding a current CONGU handicap but should not be a substitute for the 18 holes qualifying competition.
What do we mean by ‘Qualifying’ competition?
This means that your results will be taken into account for handicap purposes.
When will the 9 holes competition start?
The competition will commence on Tuesday 4th April 2017 and will run until the last Monday in September 2017. However, it will not be run on any Sunday where a 9 hole competition is currently listed for a Sunday in the 2017 Fixture Book, on Thursdays between 10 am and 11 am (times reserved for Golden Girls) and during Open Week.
Can I play the 18 holes and 9 holes at same time?
No. You can only play either the 18 holes or the 9 holes on any one occasion. You may play the 18 holes on either the previous Sunday or on the Tuesday. If you play the 18 holes on Sunday you may play the 9 holes on Tuesday and vice versa. Indeed, you can play the nine holes on any day between Tuesday and the following Monday.
What is the format of the competition (i.e. stroke or stableford)?
Competition will be played in stableford.
What score card should I use?
You should use the 12 Holes Ladies Score Card (Pink).
Over what holes will the competition run?
The competition will run over the front 9 holes. If for any reason, any of the front nine holes are out of play during the summer, you play the next playable hole (s). However, under ILGU rules, the competition for that week will then become a 9 holes non-qualifying competition.
What is the entry fee?
The entry fee will be €3.
Can I re-enter?
Anne Guinan P.R.O.